AT HOME WITH Maria and Anastasia
Take a glimpse into the life of the family behind the brand you know and love as they celebrate Mother's Day.

Every year, the family comes together for Mother's Day.
This year is extra special as it is Anastasia's first Mother's Day. After welcoming a daughter into the family, they are now celebrating three generations of women in the family.
Sleep Over at Yiayia and Pappou's
This special time of year is no different to any other family gathering at Maria and Theo's home — each family member arrives through the side entrance, kids in tow. Maria's grandson, Peter, runs ahead and jumps into the arms of his Yiayia and Pappou, excited for the festivities ahead. Maria and Theo welcome their family into the home that Anastasia and her brother, Petro, grew up in, which the grandchildren now experience and look forward to visiting."The best thing about staying at Yiayia and Pappou’s house is sleepovers,"explains Peter.

Maria puts on her apron and serves the entrée she had prepared earlier — a tomato and basil frittata — whilst the family gather in the living room and catch up. Peter is taking photos of the family (and selfies), Anastasia's husband, Luca, is teaching Theodore the guitar while Petro is nursing Sophia. There is chatter of the weekend's activities and eagerness for lunch. While it is getting loud amongst the young ones, Theo escapes to the backyard to have his coffee in peace. But is closely followed by his grandchildren who soon discover his disappearance.

"The best advice I can give to Anastasia about motherhood is to enjoy it. It goes very quickly and there are so many of us around to help when you need help as well."
— M A R I A
Ingredients to Laughter
Every year the family is reminded of how special quality time together is. Food is the heart and soul of the family — a champagne bottle is popped, acheersis made and plates of food are passed around the table. There is endless laughter and joy as everyone indulges in their festive feast and time together. Ending off with a serving of fresh fruit platter for dessert whilst Anastasia feeds and changes Sophia. There is no special seasoning, they are all the moments the family spends together at home... and that is the ingredient to laughter.

"Everyone always says that you feel this new sense of love but it’s not something I felt until I had Sophia."
— A N A S T A S I A