In honour of Mother's Day, we take a glimpse into the women behind the THE SILVER COLLECTIVE.

Designed by Mum's for Mum's

THE SILVER COLLECTIVE'S co-owners Anastasia and Maria both share their love for jewellery and motherhood. Whilst being a mum and owning a business may come with its unique challenges, starting THE SILVER COLLECTIVE together was a love letter to their passion and brought them closer together as mother and daughter.

From one mum to another, THE SILVER COLLECTIVE's jewellery is designed to be waterproof, sweat proof and everyday proof - a product of their own personal experiences of being a 'mum-preneur'.

"The decision to make our jewellery waterproof was personal as I realised that I no longer had time to take my rings off before washing my hands or take my necklaces off before a shower" - Anastasia

History repeating itself?

As Maria and Anastasia both navigate their journey of motherhood and owning a business, both share similarities in their journey. Maria after having her first born, went back to work. Anastasia, now with 2 daughters, follows the same patterns.

Having a business and a family takes time and energy. It may require shifting the traditional ways of working. Anastasia and Maria are able to support and and lean on each other to help successfully find the balance between both roles.

"Anyone who knows me, knows that I love chunky EVERYTHING! I live in my Litsa Hoops and don't forget my statement rings!"- Maria

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