Jan 20 - Feb 18 /uranus/
I am optimistic, self-reliant and unique. My creative mind allows me to see the world differently to others. I am a humanitarian that teaches those around me of the importance of their movements in the world.

Feb 19 - Mar 20 /neptune/
I am kind, gentle and compassionate. My intelligence, creativity and deep intuition shines through and the way I love is like no other. I have a dreamy mind that teaches others that the possibilities in life are limitless.

Mar 21 - Apr 19 /mars/
I am courageous, determined and confident. I am a force to be reckoned with. I dive head first into challenges and enjoy living life to the fullest. I have a beautiful heart with generosity that shines through and brings warmth like no other.

Apr 20 - May 20 /Venus/
I am practical, well-grounded and patient. I am there for the ones I love with compassion. Sincerity is valuable and keeping my word is so important to me, I am capable of handling all challenges that come my way.

May 21 - June 21 /mercury/
I am passionate, adventurous and curious. I am fascinated by the world around me. I have a beautiful skill of bringing people together. Nothing in this world can hold me back, I am here on earth to experience and live to the fullest.

Jun 22 - July 22 /the moon/
I am intuitive, sensitive and nurturing. I am a very loving, hopeless romantic who looks for the kindness in everyone. I always enjoy my own
company and mind, turning any experience into a positive.

Jul 23 - Aug 22 /the sun/
I am generous, loyal and ambitious. I am able to achieve anything I put my mind to. I always have the purest of intentions, and my gentle spirit is trusting. I am a natural leader that knows my worth.

Aug 23 - Sep 22 /mercury/
I am intelligent, practical and detail minded. I am a hardworking go getter who doesn't settle for anything less. I am a generous and giving soul. I am always learning and evolving to become the best version of myself.

Sep 23 - Oct 23/venus/
I am fair, romantic and calm. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am a creative with an imaginative spark. I am able to see things from both sides of the scale. I have a strong intellect and a keen mind.

Oct 24 - Nov 21 /pluto/
I am passionate, powerful and enchanting. I am not afraid to speak up for what I believe in. I am blessed with a deep sense of self and intuition, forever transforming and growing. I have an authentic heart that goes after what I want.

Nov 22 - Dec 21 /jupiter/
I am optimistic, independent and adventurous. I am all about expanding my horizons as a natural born leader. I drive life with purpose and intention. I am a free spirit who wants to experience all the beauty life has to offer.

Dec 22 - Jan 19 /saturn/
I am attentive, logical and brave. I find solutions to problems even in the most difficult situations. I am driven to achieve greatness and make a difference. I pride myself on strong morals and only settle for the best.